
Vermonters fighting for freedom and unity FOR ALL.

We're just a couple of Vermonters hanging out in the woods near Mt. Holly, trying to figure out how to fight injustice.

We figure we don't know how to do much, but we can make cool designs. Why not make some cool designs for good causes?

Got a design idea? Give us a shout.

Items are printed & shipped by Fourthwall & Printful.

100% of our profits are donated for good. (See individual products for details.)

How we got started, aka, yes, we are real Vermonters

I get it, we look a little sketch because we just started this site. Please forgive us, we’re still working out the kinks!
I made a little design and posted it on Reddit, and somebody saw it and wondered if it could be made into a sticker. I thought, "Hey, I don't have much money to donate to these causes, but I can sure donate my time." So I did.
Thank you for dropping by!